About MMOX Smart

Cyber Risk Specialist - Managed Security Service Provider

Matthijs Blokker
Commerce and partners

Tsz Cheung
Service Delivery

Steven Ottenhoff
Manager software development team and technology

Jos Bourgonje en Aldebert Wiersinga
Advisory board, VCC

Generaal (b.d.) Dick Berlijn
Advisory board

About MMOX and our partners
MMOX Smart is the complete service that unburdens SMB and large companies and institutions from their cyber risks. We have applied the modern risk based approach to cyber security for organizations from 10 upto 1000 employees. This Managed Service was developed is close cooperation with Nationale-Nederlanden and the innovation platform Netherlands Cyber Collective. MMOX Smart is marketed in The Netherlands by ABN AMRO BANK NV under the portfolio umbrella Cyber Veilig en Zeker. MMOX was selected by the Next Generation EU project Kansen voor West as an innovator and fast growing company in 2021. In 2018 the Security of Things Fund by VCC invested growth capital in MMOX.

Increasing impact of the cyber problem
It all started with the vision that the way our society protects itself is becoming increasingly unsustainable. Costs are rising and the dependencies on static, reactive technology from abroad are too high. Resources are limited. Options for the organizations’ executives are therefore also limited and the need for re-thinking our methods arises.

Urgency is high
Meanwhile, large professional criminal hacking organisations are developing without limitations and put force into the development of new methods and new malicious technology to obtain their goals. Worldwide criminal cyber hit rate in business is already 1:8 and rapidly increasing. Companies, institutions and their advisors cannot keep up with the pace and will suffer in their business activities. (See McKinsey&Co 2021)

A solution that is proven effective
This situation calls for a meaningful and effective approach to the organisations cyber risks. MMOX has developed methodology and technical support systems like Artificial Intelligence to apply the risk based approach to cyber in the midsized and large organisations’ domain. It is an active approach that manages fast, effective and continuous resilience and insight of cyber risks at lower cost.

Key moments of MMOX


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